Add capability to rules to restrict special characters in fields and report conflicts in validation Fix Sales contact messages Fix bug creating Mississippi transaction in WPF mode
Attempt to reduce likelihood of two services trying to simultaneously heartbeat Remove redundant EventLog of ftp problems Ebts10 save fixes for type2 information in OSBI mode Eliminate MsgBoxes for certain XML important problems Attempt to fix swipe card reader exception Fix problem introduced in NIGC mode with change in version 122
First cut at adding XML export as an option RFP must be set to DECEASED for TXDPS Deceased transactions Offense code imports from XML were broken in 129 release (WPF)
Added L Scan Essentials check for replace pad warning that Guardian 200 scanner can produce, and treat all device warnings as warnings, allowing user to continue Update L Scan Essentials check of SDK version to make sure customers are on latest version Fix problem importing multidata through EAR files where dobs were being used to…
Camera interface was not compatible with 127 release fpuInit changes Fixes for importing date values from EAR (WPF) Fix for determining reportability of imported EAR files (WPF) Fix for importing Drivers license information from EAR files (WPF)
Do not heartbeat prior to calling FpuInit Ensure that FpuInit is only invoked once for current application (same for wsqload and j2kload) Fix for 1000ppi scanning issue referred to in 126 changes Fix problem importing FedSubmit XML files determining if a transaction is reportable or not (WPF) Fix problem importing Texas_ADA, Texas_DOO, and other dates…
Avoid exception during heartbeat at startup checking NIST XML Change Bad Session error from -1 to -19001 to make it less likely to be confused with an errant return -1 statement Fix bug in license generation that prevented permanent licenses from being generated. Avoid endless loop enrolling no matching items Expected fix to error scanning…
R3 photo back image capture functional in FSCP Fix problem where multiple photos for same TCN do not enroll properly for Release Verification. Force Texas 410 Org field to “AFIS” (WPF) Fix problem reading resolution in new J2K library. Attempt to fix some exceptions in new camera interface. Test RebEx SFTP submission to Texas DPS…