FSCP Bugfixes
Fix for exception when doing an Iris capture from the camera Fix for BatchProcess in Access mode
FSCP + CDOJ Updates ProgressWork Dialog – added setting for owner (support centering window within parent)
Eyes on the Prize: Iris Scanning Explained
Iris scanners have long been a staple of super spy block busters and Hollywood heists. In the movies iris scanners are exceptionally high tech affairs, almost as expensive as the riches they’re designed to protect, relying on sweeping lasers and holographic overlays to thwart plucky thieves and rogue agents alike. In reality, iris…
Attempt to add support for ERRB responses IIDS transactions require 1.016 field (APS) Edit and Resubmit should not delete original transaction (and responses) if the original transaction has been submitted AutoCorrectName was not called in WPF flow
Fix various Iris DME issues Fix problem where iris images lost quality during edit and resubmit