Mentalix is a live scan industry leader, providing high quality in-house solutions for law enforcement applicants in collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety. Our versatile TXDPS certified systems eliminate the need to send applicants offsite, and can additionally accept separate SOR transactions in conjunction with the new TXDPS Sex Offender Registry livescan submission system. Mentalix currently supports this efficient new functionality on its criminal stations, but additionally offers low cost solutions built specifically for applicant background checks, TXDPS in-house SOR submissions, or both.
Mentalix SOR/LE stations (supporting Sex Offender Registration and Law Enforcement applicant checks) can be purchased as standalone systems regardless of whether a customer currently has a Mentalix live scan system, a competitor live scan system, or no live scan system at all. If you are considering investing in a criminal live scan station, be sure it includes support for law enforcement applicants and SOR submissions like the Mentalix Fed Submit criminal ten print and palm print live scan systems.
If you have a competitor criminal system that does not offer these modern in-house submission features, or if you don’t need a full criminal system, consider adding a low cost Mentalix SORLE system to your agency.