Attempt to fix problem with fewer than 25 matches R3 Unload implementation Attempt to avoid consecutive Initialize commands with the R3 Implementation attempt for unload button Fix for cropping mugshot images JABS Initial commit Unload command (preliminary) OSBI Bugfix for Statute/Literal fields
New Neurotec matching engine Modify USB scanner open code to only use StillImage service if WANT_STILLIMAGE environment variable is set. The NO_STILLIMAGE environment variable is now deprecated. USB Scanner open code now attempts to open specific address, and if that fails tries all addressed until it finds desired device. Note that this code may not…
Gifts That Keep on Giving: How to Expand Your Live Scan
A live scan system is a serious investment, but expanding it doesn’t have to be. From mobile ID to our new iris recognition system, this holiday season give your agency an upgrade from Mentalix. Iris Scanning Established in 2013, the FBI Iris Pilot Program processes over 18,400 submissions a month, representing one of the…
Add Address button in BatchScanDemo Don’t check size of image file in Finalize for Ohio Crop box names more visible + F1 key cycles single print from R. Index / L. Index + cleanup + FscpCardServices include tesseract Increase additional arrest form detection processing from range of height size of 5.1 – 5.9 to 4.6…
Open slide on certain R3 errors USBInquiry for NO StillImage USB address determination fqcc.dll needed by job manager for some operations that were not installed by FSCP / FscpCardServices WIX installs Add auto-switch to new case/box for R3 + Cleanup barcode error messages / tests in scan service + fix barcode exception (unnecessary closeslide step)…
Fix for scanning issue where FingerprintCard structure is freed by garbage collector while still being used by asynchronous thread Improved handling of failure to open Arduino Port