Iris scanners have long been a staple of super spy block busters and Hollywood heists. In the movies iris scanners are exceptionally high tech affairs, almost as expensive as the riches they’re designed to protect, relying on sweeping lasers and holographic overlays to thwart plucky thieves and rogue agents alike. In reality, iris…
RISC-y Business: Why Mobile ID Matters
Phones no longer have cords, TVs no longer have tubes, and dial up is on its way to being well and truly dead. The times they are a-changin’, and every day the future is looking more and more wireless. Being able to take your tech on the go is not only convenient, but necessary to…
All-Inclusive is Palm-Inclusive: The Near Future of Printing
If fingerprints are like snowflakes, then palm prints are like blizzards, positively packed with unique identifying information and almost impossible to miss. While fingerprints remain the gold standard of biometric data, the rise of palm prints in law enforcement, federal government, and financial institutions all point to a future of whole-hand scanning. …